
Showing posts from January, 2017

These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things

It's been over a month now since our first learning center opened and we see improvements and growth each week. The ayudantes and volunteers are working together closely to refine the programs and activities that happen in the center. Regular meetings facilitate this goal and the children directly benefit from the retrospectives. Our fundraiser is seeing success as well with over $1200 raised to date, so we're well on our way to securing the funds to hire a full time director for four years. The most important thing to us about the learning center is the enjoyment and benefit the children get out of it. We decided to spend time chatting with some of the kids about what they enjoy most about the center. We talked with nine kids at various ages about their favorite things to do at the center. Katia  Age: 13 School: Escudo Grade: 4th ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta hacer en el centro de aprendizaje? What is your favorite thing to do at the learni...