
Showing posts from December, 2015

What´s Your Dream Job?

Volunteer from Austria, Valerie Schogler, describes below how she and her team spent the week before summer school planning a special career-focused project for their students. On the 1 st  of December, summer school will start for most schools here in Nicaragua.  The volunteers of La Esperanza will be in two schools in the summer. Therefore, we did some special projects with the students in the last week before summer school. We are all very happy that we could go through almost the whole semester with the same kids and because of that they really grew on us. Saying goodbye was very sad, but this, and the tons of letters the kids gave us, showed us again how important our work is and how much we mean to the kids, not only as teachers, but as friends. Our English team came up with the idea to ask the kids what they want to be when they grow up. The results were amazing! The kids were super enthusiastic and loved it! We wrote the dream job of each kid o...

Magia, Sonrisas y Suenos

Preschool students from Escudo School received gifts on their last week, sent by YOOU in Spain.  On the day that they received the gifts, the class wrote a story together. The story is below. Estudiantes de preescolar de la escuela Escudo recibieron regalos en su última semana, enviado por YOOU de España. Durante el día los estudiantes reciben los regalos y escriben una historia juntos.  La historia esta abajo - MAGIA, SONRISAS Y SUEÑOS             Había una vez dos hermanitos de 6 años de nombres Fabiola y Alfredo, que vivían en la preciosa ciudad de Granada. Alfredo y Fabiola procedían de una familia muy humilde y sin mucho recursos pero muy felices. Su padre, un vendedor de fruta era conocido por toda la ciudad por ser un hombre muy alegre y divertido que se ganaba el cariño de la gente día a día. Ese carácter lo habían heredado sus hijos, dos niños alegres que pasaban sus días jugando a miles de jueg...